Myself after THREE YEARS with Shaklee Lifestyle.


I started taking ESP after giving birth to my first child, May2012. Satisfied with the Shaklee Effect then, I decided to explore more about the products.

In January 2013, I took my first baby step. I became a Shaklee member and started consuming GLA Complex and other essential vitamins such as Sustained Release Vita-C, B Complex, Vita-E, Ostematrix, Collagen Powder and OmegaGuard.

Being a full-time housewife and a mother to a fully breastfed baby circa 2012 until 2015, these vitamins have really helped in maintaining my inner health and beauty. Fatigueness is out of question. I could do all the house chores and still give the best milk to my child.

Now, I have consumed almost all of the products including the Home Products.

Natural green products always give the best result!

The last photo above is about a WhatsApp conversation between me and a customer. I met her to deliver her bottle of Sustained Release Vita-C 553gm. She was a bit excited after seeing yours truly in person and can't wait to try other beauty healthy products.

Be the walking testimony.
Be the walking beauty people are looking for from the products we consume.
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WhatsApp 019-6658599 for consultation.
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