Poslaju VS City Link / My SHAKLEE Ready Stocks!

Recently, people ie. consumers of Poslaju Courier Service have been complaining about its worse service in terms of delivery period particularly began about a month before Chinese New Year. Previously, the service was fine, I have to give credits on how efficient it was. But I am not going to discuss here about the causes and actions to be taken etc.. They'll improve gradually~

Not so much difference from other courier services pun. City Link Express for instant. I was expecting a parcel sent from Shaklee dated March 1, 2013 (Friday). I received sms from Shaklee for confirmation of order been couriered and the consignment number on Monday, March 4, 2013. I waited for it to be delivered on that day but none. So the next day, March 5, I tracked my parcel being from their website, it has arrived Kulim office by noon on March 4 !

I waited, and waited. I had a guess. This driver didn't want to drive to my living area.. This was my second parcel. During the delivery of my first parcel from Shaklee he called asking me to come to the roadside to take the parcel (huh??!!) since he's not in favour to come in. I said I cannot since I have a baby to take care of alone. So he came in but lost and complained on how far in he has to come (huh??!!). pfft.. My house was actually easy to find, he didn't have to masuk dalaaam sgt, my housing area is a new one and is near the in/out junction of my taman.. duh~ So this second time he still asked me to come to the roadside. I pun malas nk argue, so I told him that my husband will fetch the parcel at their office,but only tomorrow. I can imagine his relief in his voice. Pemalas ! The first parcel was nasib baik sbb delivered within one day. But this one? I have to wait until 3 days (discounting the not-working day) br I boleh makan my fish oil ! ughh.. (OmegaGuard dh habis. Next time, I have to order earlier, since this driver mmg unexpected.)

My two cents: Poslaju delivered a lot of parcels to me, tak complain pun tau~ Max THREE days confirm smpi ! Usually just one day~

So I ada few Shaklee ready stocks ! OmegaGuard, ESP, GLA Complex and Ostematrix. All at SPECIAL PRICE ! Just for my lovely customers~~ Do contact me via mediums listed below kalau nak try ok! Pasti mampu milik! Yanne dah cuba dah.. Memang berbaloi-baloi.

OmegaGuard:- contains EPA, DHA, Omega-3 Essential Fatty Acids 

  • DHA utk otak cerdas (anak bijak in shaa Allah).
  • EPA cegah kolesterol, tawar batuk dan asthma. 
  • Essential nutrients for preggies and lactating moms, older people who are keen to get cholesterol increase in blood etc., in fact, it's for EVERYONE!
  • for lactating mom, omega-3; reduces the risk of baby gets allergies, helps reduce post-natal weight by burning fats and increase in metabolisme, baby's brain development in connecting the brain cells, baby's eyesight gets better, higher IQ (proven).

ESP:- Soy Protein supplements FOR ALL. 

  • healthy, smooth beautiful skin.
  • energy booster.
  • milk booster (for lactation).
  • include in slimming program.
  • convenient for busy persons yang tak sempat nk mkn and always active (need a lots of energy).
  • and lots more. Boleh refer previous post on ESP.

GLA Complex:- women's BFF! Men should take too~ 

  • perbaiki sturuktur rambut.
  • halang tekanan darah tinggi.
  • bantu pelangsingan - halang pertambahan berat badan.
  • halang komplikasi diabetes.
  • perbaiki imflamasi kulit.
  • menentang kanser.
  • perbaiki prostatomegaly.
  • melambatkan menopaus.
  • kawalselia estrogen dan testosteron.

Ostematrix:- Beyond CALCIUM. Bukan sekadar kalsium. Gabungan Kalsium, Vitamin D dan Magnesium untuk penyerapan Kalsium yang OPTIMUM ! 

  • tulang kuat --> bertenaga.
  • penting utk ibu mengandung.
  • alternatif tambah susu badan.
  • alternatif utk org yg tak suka minum susu.
  • alternatif utk yg alah laktosa.
  • cegah sembelit !

This month's (June 2013) buy 6 free 1 promotion: OSTEMATRIX!! Contact me utk PENJIMATAN BERGANDA!!

PM facebook Yanne Abu @ SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram 019-6658599 for FREE CONSULTATION on products and prices..

Best Regards,

Nur Diana | ID: 845685
SMS/WhatsApp 0196658599
Email: yannedeclassic@gmail.com


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