Welcome Year 2012!!!

Was a bit busy for the past few days..
But.. A little recap over last year's occurrence..

Let's see..
Jan - hectic preparation for my own wedding.
Feb - got married.
Mar & Apr - surveyed houses for our lifetime stay in Kulim.
May - Started Dyanuraz Collections.
June & July - moving around a lot. Kulim - KL - Ipoh (follow the husband laa, die keje, kiter ikut berjalan je..)
Aug - got pregnant!
Sept - started living in the new house, though not for long each time since we travel a lot..
Oct & Nov - Kulim - Ipoh - KL - Ipoh - Kulim
Dec - decided to stop selling hijab (Dyanuraz Collections) for a while, since pregnant, x larat nak kluar gi post office.. :(

Thus, this year will be more glorious! more family! improved living! more self-improvement too!! etc.. can't wait!!

WELCOME 2012!!

---@@ with regards from ][Y][a][n][n][e][ @@---

daftar ahli bioasli percuma!


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