Aku tak faham!

Kadang-kadang aku pelik dengan lelaki. Bukan semua, segolongannya sahaja. Aku rasa mesti ramai yang familiar dengan ayat ni: "Dah ade awek tu, buat la cara dah ade awek. Sebok nak cari pompuan lain tu ape hal?" Ok.. Aku faham yang tak semua orang komited dengan satu perhubungan. Kebanyakkannya lebih selesa dengan 'open relationship'. Ok, i get it!! Most women are like that too.. Ok! I really get it!! That's none of my business. I'm not interested to know more either. But please understand people like me too!! I'm not into open relationship so just get out of my way!!

LOL! Sorry for the emotional first paragraph.. huhu.. aku actually bengang dengan sorang kawan aku ni.. Adakah sebab ego membuatkan die mengaku die dh ade awek tp sebenarnya tak?? Aku sangat tak faham!

  1. Die cakap die dah ade girlfriend, steady, since university i think.. But at the same time he tried to flirt with my good friend. He used to contact her a lot. He only called me after she got married, just to tell me how frustrated he was when he heard about the walimah from her mother himself. Aku tanye die, ko tak tau ke die dh ade boyfriend? Kan dah terpampang kt friendster die? Boleh pulak die jawab, aku tau, tapi aku tak sangke plak smpi nak kawin. WTF! ko ingat semua org macam kau? Care to ask first??

  2. Bile aku cakap, ko bukan dh ade girlfriend ke? Die cakap, girlfriend tu memang girlfriend, tapi die masih mencari. Mencari what?? kut ye pun cari la yang takde boyfriend!! But he did mention that there's one time when he stopped calling my friend tu, sebab dia tak sure.. Dah rambang mata la tu.. Pastu bile dh ade gf, asal sebok2 nak g cari balik kwn aku tu.. hisy!! Die cakap, die nk ada byk pilihan.. Pastu bile member tu kawin, ko yg putih mata!! Ha!! Padan muka!!

  3. Ade satu masa ni die call, byk kali jugak la tapi aku tgh busy so aku tak pasan. Aku just sms him the next day to ask why he called. Die reply soh call balik, he said it's urgent and he has only one sms left! So I did just to feel how regretted I was for calling him then. Bukan penting pun! Dia just nak cakap, 'aku nak masuk minang ko boleh? Esok aku hantar rombongan.' Menyirap giler aku mase tu.. Memang aku tau die main-main tapi perlu ke? Orang tak main-main la bende siyes mcm ni!! Whether die main2 or betul2, it's just not appropriate!! Foolish!! I swear to myself, aku takkan layan mamat tak betul ni dah!

  4. Petang tadi die call lagi.. kali kedua selepas call die yg giler tu. And I'm glad, everytime die call, I was driving. So ade alasan nk letak. But this time, I wanted to end his temptation. LOL. Aku dah ckp aku tgh drive. And aku takde ape nk sembang pun. Die dh call kawan2 die (yela tu), pastu die call aku. Bukan ckp ape pun, crite pasal keje die, pastu tanye pasal member aku yg dh kawin tu.. Aku sound la.. udah2 la.. die dh jadi bini org dh pun.. Die tanye nape aku senyap. Aku ckp la aku nk concentrate driving. Kalo die nk ckp, ckp la, aku dengar. Pastu die ckp die bosan. Aku ckp, call la girlfriend ko.. Die ckp dah takde ape nak ckp.. Abistu yang ko ckp dengan aku ni apedie?? Aku ckp laa, aku setiap masa call bf aku, ade je bende nk crite.. Pastu die ckp, maybe sbb dh lame sgt kut, dh takde ape nak crite.. Whadde?? Aku tanye brape lame?? Dr 2004.. Hehh.. Aku kawan dgn bf aku dr ujung 2003 kut~ Aku ckp kt die, lebih kurang je, aku dgn bf aku pun dh 6 tahun, but still, kitorg ade byk bende lagi boleh share.. Live goes on.. WE go on too! Pastu die cam terasa kut, and die nak hang up.. Aku buat2 pujuk aa.. aku ckp, eh, takkan majuk kut.. die kate, takde lah... Urm.. takpe la.. And so, aku ckp. 'Aku ckp betul ni, buat girlfriend ko macam bestfriend. Tak susah pun..' Die jawab 'aku tau, hurm, xpe lah. bye.' And we hung up. And I felt so relieved!! I did it!

Aku bukan tak nak kawan dengan dia.. Sepanjang semua orang dah keje ni, kitorang tak penah jumpe 4 mata pun.. Dulu2 pun jumpe mase kenduri kawin kawan2.. Calling2 je.. Ramai jugak kawan2 aku yg lelaki yang calling2 but we talk friends things. Not more than that. But this guy has crossed the line! Aku paham skrg kenapa kawan aku tu tak layan call die.. Sebab die byk mengarut aa.. Bosan giler ckp dengan mamat ni.. Typical casanova.. Mulut manis.. Sembang je lebey!!! Isi tarak!! Sorry! We're nothing like those typical women you've met out there! We don't easily fall for words.. lame~


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