
I dunno why I suddenly decided to start a blog. I love to write. I used to write in my own so-called notebook a.k.a diary (which is nothing like a diary) and I have several at a time which is why I never considered them diaries. Up to this day, I have FIVE! One is called "Lifebook" (so is written on its cover) in which I write or sketch things that I find fundamental and beneficial throughout my life for example; poems, quotes, hadiths, doa2 amalan, zikrullah, health tips, my own kurung and kebaya design (to send to tailor) etc. Another one is my management diary in which I jot everything regarding my works and study since I'm currently doing a part time tutor work. The other three are my money planner, my little business' debit-credit logbook and my very own daily/weekly planner.

So, basically, writing is my thing, but blogging is new to me.. i'm interested in sharing my knowledge here in things that I think valuable for other bloggers and readers. Do advise me.. :)


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